The new Windows 11 update is now officially live, and features updates to the Taskbar, apps and more. Windows 11 has received minor updates along the way since its launch in October, but this is the first major overhaul of the operating system. These types of updates not only provide your OS with new features but will consist of essential bug fixes that are important for cyber security and overall system improvements.
Microsoft points out that anyone familiar with the Windows 10 system will make a seamless transition to its most recent version, which focuses on bringing multi-tasking to the fore and has been designed with hybrid working in mind.
How to update to the latest Windows version
Before we delve into the best aspects of this update, you may be wondering how you get the latest version of Windows. If you already have Windows 11 installed, you just need to go to Windows Update and click “Check for Updates”.
If you are not currently on Windows 11, you can access this update through Microsoft’s Download Windows 11 page with step-by-step instructions there to help you along.
Once your operating system is fully up to date, these are some of the features you should expect from the update:
Working from home: Taskbar and multi-tasking improvements
The Taskbar and Start menu both received a huge overhaul in the initial launch of Windows 11, like the introduction of the Weather app to the Taskbar and a start menu which finally ditched the three-column tab that was glued to the bottom left of the screen.
The update was also geared towards those utilising Microsoft Teams, as while on a video call a small microphone icon will appear in the Taskbar, making it more accessible for the user to mute their microphone.
Screen sharing is now accessible from the Taskbar too, but these features are exclusive to Microsoft Teams and not external apps such as Zoom, for example.
Window sharing is also just two clicks away. While on a Teams call, a small thumbnail will appear and there is also a button to share the screen if you hover your mouse over the Taskbar. Clicking this will project that particular app window for others to see.
Customisation of the Taskbar is now available so that standardised apps that your organisation uses, such as Outlook, Excel and Teams, can be pre-installed easily on each new PC and altered on all existing ones. Information on customising the Taskbar can be found here.
In addition to creating a specific Taskbar for your organisation, you can also customise entire desktop interfaces to reflect what types of apps you need. For example, a director of an organisation may have two separate desktops, one for work and one for personal use, and is able to flip between these with the use of the Desktops icon.
Snap Layouts and Snap Groups have been introduced to offer a productivity boost and facilitate an improved multi-tasking experience. Choose from a wide variety of multi-app layouts that range from half-screen options to four apps in a grid. Simply hover over the maximise icon in upper right of the screen and select where you’d like to place the app.
Another associated handy feature is the ability to save your chosen layout into a Snap Group. Not only will this save the layout, but the apps that you have selected too.
New updates to familiar apps
Windows Media Player has received a revamp of its own, replacing Groove Music which Microsoft removed back in 2017. Media Player functions exactly how you’d expect it to, with basic functionality for both audio and video playlists. Unfortunately, there is no audio visualiser like on previous Media Player editions, or integration with Spotify but it will integrate with the Windows specific Music, Videos and Downloads folders and it handily displays the content from those folders and relevant files stored through OneDrive.
Notepad has also seen updates to its display settings in the form of a new Dark Mode, and the app will adapt to the light and dark system settings. More useful to users though, the new Notepad update also contains multi-level undo, and a simplified menu to help with user experience. It also has an efficient find-and-replace experience, aspects that avid Notepad users will be glad to see.
The above applications can be downloaded or updated though the Microsoft Store.
Android app support
This feature was not readily available with the launch of Windows 11, but an exciting new partnership with Amazon now means that Android apps can be run on Windows. The selections of apps available on this operating system is not as extensive as the Google Play Store offering, but the more popular apps are there.
We are on hand to provide any assistance or advice with updating your operating system or other issues you may face. Don’t hesitate to contact us on 01792 439087 with any questions.
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