When the decision comes to making a choice on whether to chose a hardware server or a cloud-based server, identifying the pros and cons to each will help you make an informed decision.
The differences between hardware and cloud servers
Hardware Server
A Hardware Server gives you physical control over your backup, third parties don’t have access, there is no need to rely on the internet for access to your data. The speed of uploads and downloads using hardware servers are excellent and you have total control of the system setup, so you can make sure it meets your needs. It is also easily scalable.
The cons of having a hardware server are that if it fails you could be in trouble. This could lead to considerable downtime if maintenance is required. There is often no guarantee that you will be able to recover all your files. It also needs space in your office to store and requires an investment to buy the hard ware and infrastructure.
Cloud Server
A cloud server is remote which means you access the server through the internet. This means that instead of buying a server you are instead renting the space. Storage can be added as and when needed. Backing up and restoring data can be done on-the-go using a tablet, mobile device, laptop or computer. Data can be backed up almost instantly, which minimises data loss and data recovery Is often better than with a hardware server.
A cloud server handles all backups and upgrades, so you don’t have to worry about doing it yourself. As long as security is good, your data will be safe and saved regularly even if technical issues occur, and because data is stored remotely it doesn’t take up any unnecessary space on your device or computer.
Realistically, you are probably already using many cloud based tools such as Dropbox, Gmail, ICloud, teams, outlook and any social media platform you are currently using. So, as long as you are satisfied with these products and find them easy to use, then a cloud server might well be the right choice for you.
Hardware and Cloud Server Reliability
Hardware Server
A Hardware Server does not require an internet connection meaning your data can be accessed without it. However, this does limit access to only those working in the office, which can be problematic as many people are now working from home, and even more might want to access work documents whist on the move. Hardware servers also require electrical power and a storage backup, which both add cost.
Cloud Server
A cloud server requires a reliable and fast broadband connection, as no internet access means no access to your files. Equally, a slow internet connection will slow down your access to files and make it almost impossible to upload or download large files successfully . Connectivity issues can cause productivity issues, and in severe case can cause work to grind to a hault. This is why having files saved locally on a hardware server as well as backed up in the cloud could be a suitable solution.
Embracing both hardware and cloud servers can, in fact, maximise work efficiency. Data can be moved between both for greater flexibility and creating more options. You can use cloud servers for confidential and sensitive data while storing in progress data or less sensitive data on the hardware server. However, this can lead to duplicate copies of some files and it is essential that a protocol is put in place to ensure all files are backed up regularly to avoid loosing essential data.
If you’d like to know more about the best server solutions for your business, contact our team at SA1 today to discuss your requirements.
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