Keeping up to date with the latest trends and fashions in the business industry will help to keep your business relevant and thriving in the fast-paced world we live in. This past year, both technology and business have been impacted and influenced significantly by the pandemic and the lockdowns which followed. In 2022, it’s predicted that many of the technology trends we will see have been shaped by the conditions of the pandemic, with these seven trends set to grow in the next year.
- Remote and video communication is here to stay
Zoom became a world-wide lifesaver during the pandemic with businesses, schools and practically everyone turning to video chat tools such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Hangouts to communicate with each other during the lockdown periods. Business meetings, birthday parties, quizzes and live theatre were all hosted via these video tools, which have proven themselves to be a great alternative to face-to-face contact. It’s predicted that in 2022, these video communication and collaboration tools will continue to be adopted, with increased development and investment to enhance the user experience.
- Telemedicine
Another industry that had to make big changes in light of the pandemic was the healthcare sector, with minimising the spread of coronavirus an utmost priority in settings such as hospitals, doctors surgeries and clinics across the country. Avoiding physical contact wherever possible is proven to reduce the spread of the virus, so many doctors began to offer telephone and video appointments to their patients from the beginning of 2020. Since then, we have seen great advancements in telemedicine, such as the use of AI to analyse photographs and perform diagnostics. In 2022 it’s likely that we will see further development in the use of artificial intelligence to perform diagnostics, administrative work and introduce healthcare robots to perform easy tasks.
- Contactless Delivery to Continue
Many business trends in recent years have been affected by the pandemic, and contactless delivery is another one to add to that list. In another bid to avoid physical contact and promote social distancing, many delivery companies introduced the option of contactless deliveries to their services. These include takeaways like Uber Eats and Deliveroo, supermarket chains such as Asda and Tesco, and many more online delivery services like Eflorist.
In China and some other countries, the use of drones for delivery is being piloted and launched, with company Meituan being the first to try our drone delivery. In 2022, more delivery services will begin to utilise drones.
- Distance Learning to become part of education system
Due to the pandemic, 190 countries around the globe opted for national lockdowns, which meant closing thousands of schools, colleges and universities for many months. An estimated 1.6 million students and learners were affected by the lockdown, with many different solutions introduced to support the education sector during that difficult period. The use of video conferencing tools to host classes, online learning platforms such as Blackboard and Moodle for eLearning and a wide range of apps and tools to promote collaboration in education settings were all introduced - and it looks like they will be here to stay in 2022.
- Micromobility
The rise in electric micromobility, such as electric bikes and scooters is set to be a big trend in 2022 as the UK government began pilot schemes in various cities from 2020. Across the world countries have been investing heavily in micromobility, with dedicated scooter lanes being created in Milan, Brussels, San Francisco and New York, just to name a few. With the UK government banning the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles from 2030, interest in electric transport solutions has already increased and is set to continue over the next few years.
- AI and Robotics
Labour shortages have already been cited as an ongoing issue within some industries, which has driven the demand for improvements in artificial intelligence and robotics to fill positions including customer service and manufacturing. As production and supply return to pre-pandemic levels, these extra pairs of hands could support businesses and workplaces to continue functioning at their best level. Over the coming year we can expect to see further developments and improvements to AI and robotics.
- Self-driving Technology
With the UK government working on the legal groundwork and legislation to introduce self-driving cars to our roads this year, it seems that 2022 will see a big boom in self-driving technology as people adopt this new transport trend. Tesla is the current leader in self-driving vehicles, but it’s reported that Honda, Ford and GM are all looking to join the race and begin developing their own self-driving vehicles.
With so many interesting developments on the horizon in business and tech, there’s lots to keep up with in 2022. Keep checking back for more updates on how these new technologies can enhance and support our businesses. Or Contact a member of the SA1 Team today!
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