There is no doubt that your business’ data is incredibly important. Without this vital information, it would be impossible for your company to function on a day-to-day basis. It can be surprising to some just how much we rely on these masses of information. This surprise is soon diminished when data has been compromised and surprise suddenly turns into panic.
The vast majority of data these days is held on our computers as these machines can hold significant amounts of data in a digital form, rather than a physical form which takes up far too much space. But unfortunately, with this form of data storage comes numerous issues. Hardware can be destroyed, software can fail, computers (especially laptops) can be lost or stolen and data can be corrupted through vicious viruses. For these reasons, it is vital for your business to have a backup system in place that ensures data is kept safe and can still be accessed if the worst was to happen.
This backup system means having a copy of your data from your computer or other device. Not all backup systems are the same, and you can have just one or several in place depending on your business’ need and desired level of protection. The more backups you have -meaning the more copies of your data you have - the safer your data is.
Ideally, it is better to have each backup device in a different location, as this avoids the chances of them all being compromised at once through theft or as a result of a physical disaster (an office fire, for example). It is also a good idea to store your backup data in different formats, such as hard drives, external drive or USBs, so you know a variety of backups are available locally. Using the Cloud, which allows you to run systems remotely through the internet, is also a solid backup option. Cloud backups are an alternative to physical onsite backups as they operate remotely and can be accessed with an internet connection. For optimum protection, the best approach is to have both local and remote backup systems in place.
So, if you want to avoid downtime, unhappy customers, lost business leads, a damaged reputation, financial loss and a lot of stress, get a proper backup system in place for your business. Is it really worth the risk to do otherwise?
Do you have a sufficient back-up system in place for your business? Get in touch with SA1 Solutions to discuss your options. Call us on 01792 439 087 or email info@sa1solutions.com
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